![]() Size: 8/10 (12/14) Materials: 24" and 16" circular needles, size 11 10(11) skeins Plymouth CHARME Gauge: 10 sts = 4" Back: With 24" size 11 needle, cast on 50(60) sts and work st st (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) until piece measures 12-1/2 (14)" or desired length to underarm, ending with a purl row. Next 2 rows, cast off 2 sts at beginning of row. Then, dec 1 st each end every knit row, 4 times as follows: K2 st, K2tog, knit to last 4 sts, sl 1 knitwise, K1, psso. Total sts remaining = 38(48). Continue knitting st st until piece measures 19(20-1/2)". Cast off for shoulders 3(4) sts next 6 rows. Place remaining 20(24) sts on holder. Work front same as back. Sleeves: With 24" size 11 needles, cast on 26(30) sts and work 2-1/2" in k2,p2 rib. Continue in st st, increasing 1 st at each end of every 8th row, 3 times (6th row, 4 times) for a total of 32(38) sts. Continue in st st until entire piece measures 12"(12"). Cast off 2 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st at each end of every knit row 8 times as follows: K2 st, K2tog, knit to last 4 sts, sl 1 knitwise, K1, psso. Cast off remaining 12(18) sts. To make up: Join shoulder seams. With 16" size 11 needle, pick up idle stitches from holders and work in rounds, knitting every row until collar measures 3" or desired length. Cast off all sts loosely. Sew sleeves in position; join side and sleeve seams. Bottom band: Using 24" size 11 circular needle, with right side facing, pick up 96(116) sts around lower edge of sweater. Knitting in the round, beginning with a purl row, p1 row, k1 row for 8 rows. Cast off all sts. |